INT2 sponsors the 14th ACMD Workshop
Computational materials design (CMD®) is a computational approach aimed at developing new materials with specified properties and functionalities. The basic ingredient is the use of quantum simulations to solve the materials science problems in order to design a material that suits this specification. CMD® has proved its high potentiality to impact the real industrial research and development.
With the purpose of imparting the quantum simulations techniques, Asia CMD® Workshop (ACMD) has been organized in Vietnam since 2009 with the cooperation of Osaka University and universities in Vietnam for many times. In 2022, ACMD will be held at PHENIKAA University.
Venue: Conference Room, A2 Building, PHENIKAA University,
Nguyen Van Trac, Yen Nghia ward, Ha Dong, Hanoi, Vietnam
Date: November 09 – 12, 2022
Language: English
Organized by:
- PHENIKAA University
- Osaka University
- Vietnam Japan University, Vietnam National University – Hanoi
- HPC SYSTEMS Inc. & INT2 Co., Ltd.